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  Think of the possibilities! What appeals to a star? Characters who live large and have a real journey. Great songs that bring down the house, with hooks you can’t get out of your head. Real connections. Laughs. Emotion. Love...
  ROBERT (BOB) HARRISON dreams up Confidential Magazine in 1952 and it changes the world. But will it change him? He comes from a loving, tight-knit Jewish family in New York. The magazine is a last-ditch effort to get out of debt, but it skyrockets him to national, then international attention. He triumphs over fake kidnappings, jungle shootings, and the "Trial of 100 Stars," but almost loses his family and the love of his life in the process.   JEANNIE DOUGLAS loves Bob with all her heart, but she’s afraid that he doesn’t want to know from love. Anyone who thinks she’s a dumb blonde should think again. She is at the center of everything glamorous Bob hopes to build. He wants to make her a star and shower her with anything and everything money can buy. She loves him whether or not he's a success, but he's too busy grabbing the brass ring and holding on for dear life.

MARJORIE MEADE  is Bob's niece, a young NYC newlywed, brought up to be a good wife and mom, but like Joan Crawford in a ‘50s melodrama, all she wants is to get up, get out, and get something more out of life. Uncle Bob sends her to Hollywood where she heads up his new research organization, a vast network of tipsters and private dicks trolling for Tinseltown trash. The press starts calling her the Duchess of Dirt and she loves it.

  HOWARD RUSHMORE is the goofball-popping, alcoholic, violent, anti-Commie witch hunter, a man so unpleasant, he wasn’t just hated by the Left and the Middle—but after a stint working for J. Edgar Hoover, McCarthy, and Roy Cohn, the Far Right couldn’t stand him either. At first Harrison relied on Rushmore for one crucial business contact, but soon, Rushmore’s flameouts and betrayals would lead to grisly coast-to-coast headlines.